There were 9 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in July 2024

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

And They Are Off
Elizabeth Passuello – Gold Award
Photojournalism – A Grade

Cresting the Hill
Elizabeth Passuello – Silver Award
Photojournalism – A Grade

The Chip Kick
Kirsty Wilson – Bronze Award
Photojournalism – A Grade

Drifting Away
Glenys Steegh – Gold Award
Open – A Grade

Piwakawaka 1
Jan Miller – Bronze Award
Open – A Grade

Resupinatus violaceogriseus
Glenys Steegh – Gold Award
Set Subject: Textures – A Grade

Hidden depths
Inger Perkins – Silver Award
Set Subject: Textures – A Grade

Garden Texture
Cornelius van Wyk – Bronze Award
Set Subject: Textures – A Grade

MacKenzie Moonrise
Evan Hunt – Silver Award
Open – C Grade